About CIoD
The Cambodian Institute of Directors is here!
Launched in early 2024, the CIoD provides a framework of standards and accreditation for corporate leaders in Cambodia. It is the result of more than two years of research and development of course offerings. Our courses meet the highest international standards for the accreditation of executives and directors.
We offer a series of opportunities for executives and board directors to enhance their knowledge and skills. These range from small-group breakfast sessions to half-day workshops, to the fully immersive Certified Directors Course that enables the successful participant to gain accreditation to meet the world’s highest standards in corporate governance.
CIoD members will also have access to additional professional development and networking opportunities.
Why Create an Institute of Directors in Cambodia?
While the general roles and responsibilities of company boards are well founded, the expectations on boards have evolved significantly due to changes in the corporate and regulatory landscape in Cambodia.
There are now increasing requirements for greater board accountability on a wider range of issues. These requirements are partly driven by increased legislation and greater societal expectations. National and foreign investors are also increasingly requiring evidence of board knowledge, practices, and accountability.
As well as their commercial and legal duties, boards are responsible for providing professional leadership and championing good governance and ethical practices throughout their companies.
The Securities and Exchange Regulator of Cambodia (SERC) has provisionally agreed to give its endorsement to the CIoD.
Promote excellence, enterprise, and integrity at the highest levels of skills and competence for board level business directors and equivalent office holders in Cambodia.
Encourage a professional and entrepreneurial business community and economy in the Kingdom.
Advocate for professional practices relating to business governance, including providing accredited courses.
Represent the interests of its members to the Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC) , regulatory bodies and other agencies with respect to policy and legislative developments that affects members’ interests, governance matters and rights and obligations of directors.
Provide a platform for the sharing of best practices and good governance, through conferences, media, networking, and meetings.
Core Values
These are the CIoD’s guiding principles that govern our conduct and our relationship with our members, in the wider business community, the region and internationally:
Creating Corporate Leadership and Governance in Cambodia that is:
Competent to International Corporate Business Standards
Informed and Implementing Environmental and Social Standards of Governance
Relevant to the Business Context in Cambodia
Accountable, Fiscally Responsible and Transparent
Models Integrity